{“_id”:”671abef6fab8fea4c0048e04″,”slug”:”ayurvedic-medicine-manufacturing-factory-raid-seized-hathras-news-c-56-1-sali1016-121958-2024-10-25″,”type” :”story”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Hathras News: Ayurveda medicine manufacturing factory raided, seized”,”category”:{“title”:”City & states”,”title_hn “:”city-and-states”,”slug”:”city-and-states”}}
Samvad News Agency, Hathras
Updated Fri, 25 Oct 2024 03:11 AM IST

Utkarsh Ayurveda Factory located in Town Mendu was raided on Thursday evening by Additional District Magistrate Judicial Shivnarayan Sharma and Sub District Magistrate Sadar Neeraj Sharma. The factory was being operated without following the standards. Therefore, ADM seized the factory.
On a complaint, ADM and SDM along with police force reached Utkarsh Ayurveda Factory located in Mendu. The officials asked for documents from the people present in the factory, but they could not provide the documents. ADM Judicial said that after enquiry, it was found that this factory got the license on October 14, whereas looking at the goods available on the spot, it seems that the factory has been operating for several months.
Even there was no pharmacist present on the spot nor was there any roster available to prepare medicines. Even in the factory building, standards were found violated. On this basis the factory was sealed. ADM said that the standards in the factory will be checked through Ayurveda officer.